Friday, February 16, 2007

I owe Patrik 8000 KR

I owe Patrik Persson, a colleague of mine 8000 KR (approx USD 1200).
But I won't pay them back. Follow the story live here at


Blogger Patrik said...

This will be a very easy case in court as Ted actually is confessing his crime on this site (yes I have taken a screendump, Ted). Probably Ted will end up with some fines, paying the cost for the trial and some damage payable to me (looking forward to that). However, as the crime is very elaborate and I am actually insluted in the eyes of the public, the court might look at a harder penalty. Add to that the violation of the "personuppgiftslagen" as my photo is published witout my permisson, and the copyright violation (no, Ted has not asked the photographer before publishing the photo)... Yes. Indeed we might look at a week of "samhällstjänst" for Ted here.

8:23 AM  

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